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Silk Road 投稿日:2022年08月01日 06:16 No.46
僰人 Bo people
僰人の子孫はラチ(Lachi, 拉基族)とク(Ku, 谷族)。ラチはタイ・カダイ系、クはロロ・ビルマ系。クは「吊るされた棺」の風習を保存し、今もBoとして知られる。「吊るされた棺」の被葬者のミトコンドリアDNAハプログループは意外なことに北方系のG3a1cで共通している。

Possible descendants
1. Lachi
The Lachi people of Vietnam and China may be descended from the Bo, based on the archaic exonym Labo (喇僰) in Chinese records.[10] The Lachi language belongs to the Kra subgroup of the Kra-Dai language family. Today, the Lachi refer to themselves as qu31 te341, with qu31 meaning 'people' (from Proto-Kra *khraC1 'people').[10]

2. Ku
The Ku of Qiubei County currently speak a Loloish language, and still practice hanging coffin traditions. According to their own records, the Ku people's ancestors had migrated from Yibin, Sichuan province a few centuries ago in order to escape wars.

There are three different varieties of Ku.[2] Speakers of each consider themselves to be separate ethnic groups.[1] However, they are officially classified by the Chinese government as ethnic Yi.[3]
Ku (autonym: ku55) is spoken in Bainitang 白泥塘,[4] Shede Township 舍得彝族乡, Qiubei County, Yunnan Province. They are also locally known as the Bo (Chinese: 僰人; pinyin: Bó rén), and continue to build hanging coffins. The
Ku of Bainitang claim that their ancestors had migrated from Yibin, Sichuan.
Another variety of Ku (autonym: ku55) in Wujiazhai 五家寨,[5] Shede Township 舍得彝族乡, Qiubei County, Yunnan Province is unintelligible with Ku of Bainitang 白泥塘.

Ku of Shidongmen 石洞门,[6] Xijide Village 西基得村, Zhulin Township 珠琳镇, Guangnan County, Yunnan Province拉基
拉基族(越南语:Người La Chí)是越南官方认定的54个少数民族之一,主要分布在最北部的河江省和老街省。根据1999年人口普查结果,越南共有拉基族10,765人。在中国境内有1600多拉基人,主要居住在云南省文山州的马关县境内,却被中国政府识别为彝族。中国拉基人有7个支系。其语言拉基语属于壮侗语系仡央语族。

Lachi people
The La Chi people (Vietnamese: Người La Chí; also Cù Tê or La Quả) live in the Hà Giang and Lào Cai provinces of northeastern Vietnam. Their population is 15,126 people (2019). They speak the Lachi language, which is part of the Tai–Kadai language group.

Their ancestor is Hoàng Dìn Thùng. They put aside the most fertilized field for growing cotton plant and strobilanthes flaccidifolius nees plant. They sing ní ca and celebrate the Khu Cù Tê Festival in 7th month of the lunar year.


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