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Harushima 投稿日:2009年05月09日 08:33 No.2367 【Home】
Hi!<br>Thank you for your message.<br>Yes I love Japan, J-culture, JSDF, Article 9 of the Japan Constitution.<br>One complication in our airsoft hobby - the purchase ammunition and uniforms. First originals are prohibited for sale, and secondly most japan-shops will not work with orders from overseas. :(<br><br>We took many months before we found the overseas-friendly shop sandgraf.jp. Also we have a problem with the sizes of BDU - did not find large-size (1A size, my growth 188cm) so far, we have temporarily slightly different uniform. <a href="http://jgsdf.ucoz.com/img/skol_jgsdf.jpg" target="_blank">http://jgsdf.ucoz.com/img/skol_jgsdf.jpg</a> russian "skolizlom" camouflage.<br>But we hope to find jgsdf-replica BDU in the near future. <br><br>Incidentally Type89 very sturdy construction - I have set tuning to 140ms with 0.2bb using parts of type89 by Both Elephant, and it good working. BE-gears is a very strong.<br><br>Photos inside gearbox of Type89 by Both Elephant old version: <a href="http://jgsdf.ucoz.com/publ/7-1-0-29" target="_blank">http://jgsdf.ucoz.com/publ/7-1-0-29</a><br><br>Photos inside gearbox both Type89 by Both Elephant NEW version AND by Tokyo Marui: <a href="http://jgsdf.ucoz.com/publ/7-1-0-27" target="_blank">http://jgsdf.ucoz.com/publ/7-1-0-27</a><br><br>And in your country there are restrictions on the power AEGs? What is the maximum allowable tuning for AEG?<br><br>p.s. Would you like to exchange banners with our site?<br><br>pps. Please excuse my bad English. My teammate know it much better, and a little Japanese. The next time they will translate messages, and you do not have to laugh by reading my bad English =)<br><br>WBR, <br>Harushima <br>Russia, Saint-Petersburg.


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